Monday, April 03, 2006

Went to a Passover Seder Today

I went to the Passover Seder our Jewish bible study leader put on tonight. Lots of fun. Yeah, it had that connection-to-Jesus thing, but not quite like the Jews for Jesus lecture I commented on earlier. The seder tonight was more of a personal thing for Christians than a "come get converted" thing aimed at Jews.

The lamb bone is a reminder of the sacrificed, roasted lamb the Hebrews ate just before the passover.

The egg is both a symbol of life and of sacrifice (the cheapest sanctioned sacrifice is two birds, doves, I think).

Bill, our leader, read from the haggadah (sort of a program guide) and gave us the rundown on what we were doing. We all had fun exploring and playing w/our food. (We dip our fingers in the "wine" (grape juice) and flick the liquid on our plates, once for each of the ten plagues God inflicted on Egypt, as we recite the plagues.)

There wasn't enough horseradish, though. I didn't cry.

Then, after we ate the traditional food, between the 2nd and 3rd cups of "wine", we had a real potluck supper. Matzoh-ball soup. Turkey. Various kinds of vegetables. Gefilte fish cakes. Figs. Olives. (I made marinated celery, Hellenist style, but I think I forgot salt.) There was a huge amount of food. (There were about 60 people there, and everybody brought something, I think.)

Then we had two more glasses of "wine" and sang two songs (one of had a single-word chorus: "dayenu" ("it would have been enough")).

Then we cleaned up. :)

Great fun.

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