Sunday, April 02, 2006

Church Opening Prayer, 2 Apr 2006

Well, I don't think I'll be typing in prayers every week, but I kinda liked this one we prayed in church today, at the beginning of the worship service.

Almighty God, by whose will we were created and sent to live in this time and place,
we pray for a deeper insight into the meaning of our lives and a greater trust in the ways of Jesus.
Bless all who have come here this day looking for some light, some encouragement, and some love.
May the acts of worship that we perform together and privately open our eyes to new visions of personal holiness and communal justice.
We offer this prayer in gratitude for Jesus, our savior. Amen

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(Pause for reflection)

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Ok, on with my profane life!

[Hmm, well, I was striving for a vertical ellipsis. The fact that it looks like a cross is an accident.]

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