Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Aljazeera.Net - Analyst says bin Laden 'desperate'

Finally, an Aljazeera article I can read w/out seeing red. Too bad we're saddled w/an administration that feels it needs to play to uninformed, selfishly/fearfully conservative middle-class whites in this country, instead of leading, as it should.

And, of course, like all things web and all things media, there's no telling how much we can trust this. :( But it reads good.

Aljazeera.Net - Analyst says bin Laden 'desperate'

The American war against al-Qaeda cannot and will not be won on the battlefield. The US is not facing a conventional army. This is an unconventional war and I think in many ways al-Qaeda is totally highly adaptable and dynamic.

The only way for the US and the international community to win this war is by creating coalitions and alliances with Arab and Muslim societies, not just counter-insurgency tactics.

The US must really endeavour to address the legitimate grievances of the floating middle and Arab and Muslim public opinion and create alliances by addressing regional conflicts like the Palestinian predicament.

It does this by keeping a healthy distance from Arab and Muslim dictators and by building bridges with the largest constituency in the Arab Muslim world - Arab and Muslim youth.
(Emphasis mine.)

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