Sunday, August 06, 2006

Prayers for Kids

I've been sort of on the lookout for good, simple prayers for children, to teach my own someday, once I'm done with this divorce and I have some kid time to myself (those who know me know what this is in reference to: mom is alienating them from me).

This is one my parents taught my sister and me when we were young, and I've taught it to my kids, although we don't get much of a chance to practice it.
Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest.
Let these, thy gifts to us, be blessed.
It's a good one, but I always thought there should be more. Finally, I stumbled across something else that might also make a good children's prayer. It's hymn 621 in the Methodist hymnal, written by John Cennick in 1741, and we sang it during today's communion, but... who cares?
Be present at our table, Lord;
Be here and everywhere adored;
Thy creatures bless and grant that we
May feast in paradise with thee.
(The melody, by the way, is that same "Praise God from whom all blessings flow", except that it's 100% quarter notes, so the tempo is very even.)

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