I've been reading Monoblogue. It's really good. Ok, so she's had training and some sort of experience and I haven't, but still, it seems really good. Real, so to speak.
And I think, "I used to be interesting. Maybe not as interesting as that, but more interesting than I am now." And I think, "I know! I'll update my profile! That'll fix everything!"
But I'm sorta stuck. Here it is now:
moderate-to-liberal (actually, more of a passionate moderate), going through a divorce, Rip van Winkle coming out of a 12-year nap. Not very cool, but trying not to care what other people think.So, what can I add, restricting myself to 1200 characters?
How about:
Formerly a sci-fi RPG'er and reader of sci-fi, no time now. Father of two wonderful little boys, elementary-school aged. One is a total live wire, constantly getting in trouble, the other is more quiet but every bit as troublesome. And both are, on occasion, truly wonderful, which makes up for everything.
AT thru-hiker (1984). My one claim to fame, now long in my past.
Physics major at a good liberal arts college. Shoulda seized more opportunities than I did. Probably wouldn't get accepted if I applied today.
Brown dwarf. Coulda been a star, but am now just giving warmth to two small satellites. If they would only orbit me. [Update, 29 Sep 2007 -- I have moved out of our house and now have the kids with me every other week, so, at least part of the time, my two small satellites do orbit me. Sorta.]
Unhappy in my job, but not getting off my ass and finding a better one. (I have a good excuse for the moment.)
Inexplicably cheerful, sometimes. Explicably grateful for all that I have, considering how little I deserve it compared to other unfortunates in this world. Former victim of bullies for years in public school, which makes my inexplicable cheerfulness even more inexplicable. Maybe I'm just insane.
Intensely wondering what makes this world go 'round. Convinced there's Something Important I Just Haven't Learned About Yet.
Grinding through life w/out expertise, and making mistakes along the way. Not a Beautiful Person. Learning to pick up the pieces (I hope). Becoming suspicious that maybe others don't know what they're doing, either.
Oh, what else?
Somewhat of a zelig. See? Alison's rubbed off on me. Stay tuned, maybe I'll read somebody else's blog next month and develop a different style.
Ok, well, this is crap, but I'll post it anyway. So there.
Quoth me:
Unhappy in my job, but not getting off my ass and finding a better one. (I have a good excuse for the moment.)
Huh. Whaddya know. Woulda.
Not crap. I like this post!
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